(+39) 0585 832483
Among the emerging applications of diamond wire in civil engineering, particularly well known is the controlled demolition of metal and reinforced concrete structures. In industries such as the nuclear, oil and chemical industries, under extremely logistically complex working conditions, the need often arises to cut large metal structures such as tanks, smokestacks, pipelines, jackets and reactors into smaller parts. In all demolition, deconstruction and maintenance operations where accessibility is the critical factor, diamond wire is the only viable solution. These operations generally require detailed operational planning, careful site organization and, of course, diamond tools capable of ensuring high standards of quality and safety. The service life of diamond wire in metal cutting is considerably shorter than in stone cutting, so predictive knowledge of tool wear patterns in relation to removal capacity is essential. Mega Diamant has developed a specific line of diamond wires for cutting steel and reinforced concrete. Let's look at some features:

  • Maximum efficiency due to specific geometry of diamond beads
  • High removal capacity due to the optimal combination of diamond density, grain size and toughness
  • New protective elastomer coating, reinforced with special springs
  • Modular assembly available from 40 to 52 beads per meter
  • Closed loop available up to minimum size of 1.45 mt

The high quality and proven reliability of our diamond wires enable optimization of tool change costs and efficient operational planning.

Are you interested in our Diamond Wires?

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